Upcoming Meetings

HRA Meetings

The next meetings of the HRA will be held on the dates listed below. Meetings are held remotely via Zoom (see new Zoom link below) unless otherwise noted. The official meeting schedule is kept on the Town of Hull website calendar. Please check there to make sure that a meeting has not been canceled or rescheduled.

  • Monday, January 13, at 7 p.m. via Zoom.

  • Monday, January 27, at 7 p.m. via Zoom.

All meetings are open to the public, and you are invited to attend. Unless noted otherwise, the meetings are online sessions and begin at 7 p.m. Always check the town calendar for any changes to times, locations, and connection information.

NOTE: Our Zoom link has changed! Please use the following link to join from your computer: https://zoom.us/j/98585130834?pwd=tbhYHGaSkNY7mbatUlqHk2IzvBavBy.1
Meeting ID: 985 8513 0834
Passcode: 889343

Or connect by phone via: 309-205-3325 or 646-931-3860
Meeting ID: 985 8513 0834
Passcode: 889343

If you are unable to attend a Zoom meeting, you can watch recordings of them on the Hull TV website.