June 27, 2024 Information Box

Hull Redevelopment Authority Information Box as published in The Hull Times on 6/27/24

The Hideaway Circus Canvas Sky is arriving on July 1 to set up for two performances on Lot B of the HRA property.

 As of Monday, June 24, 80% of the tickets for the Tuesday night performance at 7:30 have been sold. 53% of the tickets for the Wednesday afternoon performance at 4:30 have been sold.

 Get your tickets now! (Tickets can be purchased by visiting www.HideawayCircus.com.)

 Parking for your vehicle is included in your ticket to this open-air circus performance. Cotton candy, popcorn, non-alcoholic beverages, and other circus-related treats will be available for purchase at the concession stand. No outside food or beverage is permitted.

 Tuesday evening at 6 p.m., Lot B (the larger lot in the middle of the property) will be your parking area for the performance that starts at 7:30 p.m.

 Wednesday afternoon at 3 p.m., Hull Shore Common (the curved lot as you enter the property where a beer garden has been in the past) will be the primary parking area.

 For the Wednesday afternoon performance, vehicles with a valid Town of Hull parking sticker are encouraged to park in the Phipps Street lot (Lot A), the triangle lot (Lot C), or the big lot (Lot B), since Hull Shore Common has limited amount of space to park. (All Hull ticket holders with a valid Town of Hull parking sticker may park in the LAZ managed parking lots for free at any time.)

 For both performances, handicapped parking will be available in the Hull Shore Common lot where the ticket gate/entrance is located.

 State Police will be managing traffic on Hull Shore Drive during the pre- and post-performance periods to ensure safety for all. Citizen volunteers will be directing ticket holders to specific locations on the HRA property to park for the event and will also assist departing vehicles after the event, and we ask for your cooperation in following their instructions.


July 18, 2024 Information Box


June 20, 2024 Information Box