June 20, 2024 Information Box

Hull Redevelopment Authority Information Box as published in The Hull Times on 6/20/24

What’s going on at the Bayside Park?

 Driving by the HRA Bayside Park, you may have noticed more growth than the typically mowed land. The HRA is trying something new on that parcel of land this summer – letting some of it grow wild! This is an easy first step towards allowing pollinator gardens on the bayside land.

 What is a pollinator garden?

 From Wikipedia: “A pollinator garden is a type of garden designed with the intent of growing specific nectar and pollen-producing plants, in a way that attracts pollinating insects known as pollinators. Pollinators aid in the production of one out of every three bites of food consumed by

humans, and pollinator gardens are a way to offer support for these species. In order for a garden to be considered a pollinator garden, it should provide various nectar producing flowers, shelter or shelter-providing plants for pollinators, and avoid the use of pesticides.”

 Though we didn’t make a plan or plant any extra pollinator seeds this year, there are obviously plenty of plants just waiting to grow when they aren’t mowed down.

 • Don’t forget to get your tickets for the Hideaway Circus - July 2 & 3 at the HRA - tickets available at www.Hideawaycircus.com and free parking is included.

 • Upcoming HRA meetings are posted on the Town of Hull Calendar and at www.HRA02045.com.


June 27, 2024 Information Box


June 6, 2024 Information Box