August 17, 2023 Information Box

Hull Redevelopment Authority Information Box as published in The Hull Times on 8/17/23

HRA Policy for Submissions to

Our goal is to assemble more options and information for community consideration which may become part of our draft Urban Renewal Plan. Please send your concept/idea with the following information to

1. The parcel(s) on which your concept would exist. Please reference the parcel number(s) on the parcel maps at this link: You may use either map, or both, for your concept.

2. The approximate size (in square feet) of your concept referencing a similar project in a different community. (The reference to an existing facility will make it easier for others to understand your suggestion more fully.) Please include visuals.

3. A description of how your concept would benefit the Town of Hull.

4. Please include details of what you may have learned while researching your concept.

• Infrastructure needs

• Maintenance requirements

• Capacity of your idea (number of people it will serve)

• Information you think will be important to know but were unable to discover, for example:

• Preliminary cost-benefit analysis, to the Town of Hull and/or HRA

• Funding sources: private, public, grant

• Will it require a zoning change?

Please try to answer as many questions as possible. Any questions that you do not have an answer for should be marked To Be Determined (or TBD).

Please know that submissions will typically be posted within a week of receipt.

The posting of citizen suggestions does not reflect the HRA’s approval of a submission. The HRA wants all interested parties to see all the ideas presented.

The HRA will consider all submissions in respect to updating the draft Urban Renewal Plan and will invite selected authors to present their concepts to the HRA at a meeting if they so choose. A 5-10 minute maximum will be established for the presentation, followed by a 15-minute period of questions and comments from the HRA members and if time allows, from the citizens attending the meeting.

Concepts that capture the interest of the HRA may then be directed toward more comprehensive research by professionals specializing in the subject area of the concept.

Visit for more details on the collection of concepts for the HRA property.

The HRA is setting the date of Sunday, September 17 for submissions to be received at



September 14, 2023 Information Box


July 13, 2023 Information Box